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Next Level Apprenticeships: Strategies for Building and Improving Your Program
Event Language
$575 (not including airfare or transportation to and from German airport)
Event Start
06/19/2022 · 08:00 AM
Event End
06/25/2022 · 05:00 PM
GACC Midwest - Chicago

Study Trip Germany

Next-Level Apprenticeships: Strategies for Building and Improving Your Program

Location: Southern Germany

Unfilled high-tech jobs are an obstacle to profitability and productivity in the manufacturing industry. More and more organizations are establishing apprenticeship programs, in order to implement a sustainable workforce development strategy.

Therefore, the Transatlantic Apprenticeship Dialogue was created to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between Germans and Americans involved in apprenticeships. Developed by the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest (GACC Midwest), this is a new platform to enhance professional dialogue on a personal level.

This program is intended for company representatives, policy makers and educators who are involved or would like to become involved in the building, growing, or improving of apprenticeship programs. This study trip to Germany will provide you with the opportunity to learn from your German Industry counterparts regarding best practices and implementation methods for apprenticeship programs while building lasting contacts and friendships abroad. It is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy through the European Recovery Program.

Find a detailed agenda here

How do I register?

This study trip is for professionals who work closely with apprentices and/or apprenticeship programs, or plan to: high school and college representatives, company trainers, general managers, HR representatives and other leaders from apprenticeship organizations.

  • Reach out to Myriam Klein to express interest and be informed of updates.
  • Complete the registration form.
  • Participation is limited to 15 individuals. Registration is first-come, first-served, with GACC reserving the right to decline unsuitable candidates.
  • Financial aid to partially cover flight cost is available.
  • Final registration deadline: Friday, June 3 2022
  • Covid-19 related travel requirements include approved vaccination and documentation.

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