German American Business Series

Das jährliche German American Business Series beleuchtet die Schlüsselproblematiken der deutsch-amerikanischen Unternehmenswelt in Colorado.

GABS 2019: German American Agri-Tech Symposium

19. September 2019 | Denver, CO

Das Colorado Chapter der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer des Mittleren Westens in Chicago heiß Sie herzlich zu unserem jährlichen German American Agricultural Technology am Donnerstag, den 19. September, 2019 ein. Dieses Jahr diskutieren unsere Experten das Thema, Agrartechnologie. 

Für weitere Informationen, bitte schauen Sie sich die Englische Seite an.

German American Business Series (GABS)

Since 2017, the German American Chamber of Commerce, Colorado Chapter has been the proud host of an exciting program promoting international business exchange in Colorado, the German American Business Series (GABS). Since its creation, GABS has highlighted key issues and influenced beneficial change in the German-American business community in Colorado.

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Each year, GABS features a symposium that serves as a platform to discuss a topic critical to the Colorado business ecosystem such as advanced energy, in-state manufacturing, agricultural technology, and outdoor sports and recreation. We invite expert speakers from both the United States and Germany who educate our audience on the chosen topic with the goal of inciting business collaborations and investments in a setting specific to the year’s topic.

Every symposium includes a keynote speaker and two panels of national, international, and local experts to discuss the most pressing issues and interesting developments related to the year’s topic. In addition, each symposium has included a tour or interactive experience to immerse participants in the working reality of the Symposium’s theme. Previous Symposiums have included tours of the Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Institute at Metropolitan State University Denver, and of the Energy Systems Integration Facility at NREL.

GACC members enjoy deeply discounted entry to GABS Symposiums and all other GACC-CO events.
Sign up for membership today!

Kommende und vergangene Themas

Kommende Themas unser Symposiums:

  • 2020: Outdoor Sports & Recreation

Vergangene Themas:

  • 2019: Agricultural Technology
  • 2018: Advanced Manufacturing
  • 2017: Advanced Energy